I keep telling myself to write at least 30 minutes a day. It is going as well as me telling myself to practice 30 minutes a day on my bass when I was younger. Of course, other people were telling me to do that and I thought it was probably a good idea. I still do. Of course, as the people who have lived with me can attest, I rarely play my bass. I do practice more often when others are not around, but frankly I just do not practice much at all. I enjoy my bass. I enjoy writing. I have trouble motivating myself to do either.
Writing seems to be winning... because I'm actually doing it at this moment. Expect more blogs. I might even ramble a full 30 minutes in them but I doubt it because I try not to bore others, and I will be making myself proofread. Blah, rereading my own work. Another idea that always sounded good when I was younger that I did not implement.
I have accepted that I will never be a musician that practices much. I wonder about the future. Will I have resigned myself to the fact that I enjoy writing but I do not do it? I play bass because I'm in a symphony. I joined it of my own free will and it is my way of keeping my bass active in my world. I plan on signing up for another writing course so I can keep writing in my life. I'm more excited for writing and also I'm older. I know more of what I'm getting myself into by making this choice. Writing fits for me after I get started. It just is a bit more work than I wanted to do when I was younger and I never got good reviews. I got mostly good grades but every red mark was a sting to my pride. I could not accept those stings back then.
I'm reading basically a biography about a travel writer at this moment (from an overdue library book. Ahh, library fees). He mentions that writers have large egos because they believe their words and works should be printed. (He is rather more eloquent. I will post the direct quote later). I smiled at that. My ego is rather large and that is why all my blogs are public. I want people to read my words and thoughts. I do believe I will be writing more.
Anyway, look forward to more blogs and me commenting on the fact that I should be writing more.