Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Changes in Career Test?

I'm taking the Princeton Review test again. I forgot how I did all this career stuff before. (Look there is the mighty word again ... Stuff)

Anyway back in the day aka I do not remeber I got these results. If this bores you, do not read it. This just seemed like a good place to store stuff.
Interest Color - Green
People with green Interests like job responsibilities and occupations that involve persuasion, sales, promotions, and group or personal contact. People with green Interests enjoy activities that include: motivating, mediating, selling, influencing, consensus building, persuading, delegating authority, entertaining, and lobbying. These Interests often lead to work in marketing, advertising, training, therapy, consulting, teaching, law, and public relations.

Usual style - Blue
People with blue styles prefer to perform their job responsibilities in a manner that is supportive and helpful to others with a minimum of confrontation. They prefer to work where they have time to think things through before acting. People with blue style tend to be insightful, reflective, selectively sociable, creative, thoughtful, emotional, imaginative, and sensitive. Usually they thrive in a cutting edge, informally paced, future-oriented environment. You will want to choose a work environment or career path in which your style is welcomed and produces results.

The NOW!
Interest Color - Blue
People with blue Interests like job responsibilities and occupations that involve creative, humanistic, thoughtful, and quiet types of activities. Blue Interests include abstracting, theorizing, designing, writing, reflecting, and originating, which often lead to work in editing, teaching, composing, inventing, mediating, clergy, and writing.

Usual Style - Yellow
People with yellow styles perform their job responsibilities in a manner that is orderly and planned to meet a known schedule. They prefer to work where things get done with a minimum of interpretation and unexpected change. People with a yellow style tend to be orderly, cautious, structured, loyal, systematic, solitary, methodical, and organized, and usually thrive in a research-oriented, predictable, established, controlled, measurable, orderly environment. You will want to choose a work environment or career path in which your style is welcomed and produces results.

Yellow is not ME! This is probably why I got the idea of being a research scientist.

Personality Test Results

Myers Briggs = ENFP
This translates to Champion in Kersey system
Enneagram Types - The Enthusiast.

Funny enough the description is very similiar to the color quiz results.
a link to #7 The enthusiast

The color quiz said this about me.

Existing situation
Seeks to share a bond of understanding intimacy in an esthetic atmosphere of peace and tenderness.

My stress sources
Feels that life has far more to offer and that there are still important things to be achieved--that life must be experienced to the fullest. As a result, she pursues her objectives with a fierce intensity that will not let go of things. Becomes deeply involved and runs the risk of being unable to view things with sufficient objectivity, or calmly enough; is therefore in danger of becoming agitated and of exhausting her nervous energy. Cannot leave things alone and feels she can only be at peace when she has finally reached her goal.

My restrained Characteristics
Unhappy at the resistance she feels whenever she tries to assert herself. However, she believes that there is little she can do and that she must make the best of the situation.
Feels that things stand in her way, that circumstances are forcing her to compromise and forgo some pleasures for the time being.

My desired objective
In despair and needs relief of some sort. Wants physical ease, a problem free security, and the chance to recover

My actual problem
The fear that she may be prevented from achieving the things she wants leads her into a relentless search for satisfaction in the pursuit of illusory or meaningless activities

I will admit last year that I wanted a problem free security and a chance to recover but this year is different. I also do not think that I'm in pursuit of illusory or meaningless activities.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Always looking for a job

I know that this not true but I feel like it is. I feel like I have been looking for a job for the past three years even when I had one. Looking for the one that would make me more happy than not. At this point, I'm looking for a job that will pay me with money. I'm still not quite to the level of fast food or call service but I am looking at administrative positions which I just have no enthusiasm for. I'm going to call to get the subsitute forms sent to my house because I think that job would be good for me.

I do have days where I get down about the whole career search but I still have hope. I was never worried about my job hopping but now it seems to be not just a year trend. Scratch that. I had one job that I kept the whole year. I just happen to travel for a fourth of the year. I will not get too worried but I just want money.

Anyway, the new year is coming very soon. I have some goals for this new year. I want to get a job and make money. I will then save most of this money to own my own apartment/condo and for my next big trip. Remember I plan on visiting South America by way of Mexico and Central America. I would like to meet new people who like to play the games I enjoy. I hope this greatly or otherwise I might go back to TGS and I believe that would be bad. I just love board and card games, and the people who enjoy playing those games with me, do not have time.

I guess I need to get my own place to live. I so focus on the job part that I'm not looking to far ahead. Except I'm thinking two years in the future. I guess it is the in between that is so grey for me. Hehehe. It is like Warcraft (not World of) where you can see where you are at and your long term goal but the rest is all black with the fog of war.

I think about men but I have no resolutions or goals for them. I would like to date but it does not seem to important. I do NOT want a relationship. Blah, get shivers when I think about it, but I do not want to sleep with random men. I want a nice in between where we have fun but do not get too serious, and then we move on to new people. I guess that does sound like sleeping with random men but anyway, I'm vague about the future when it comes to this aspect.

I need to practice my bass more. That is always but I almost believe it might happen this year. I would like to take courses in stuff. That's right, the mighty word, Stuff. For example I would enjoy ceramics, politics, and Spanish. This is one of my biggest goals. Do not lose too much Spanish. The only TV I watch is channel 33 or the spanish channel. I also read Tres desos hoy. One cool thing is when I start thinking in Spanish, more spanish comes out. I plan on writing in my journal in espanol but it is so hard. Just reading my "it is for 8 year olds or younger" book today, tired my brain out.

There it is. I want a job, a place to live, and some new friends. And practice my bass. Sounds a whole like last year but I'm so very different than I was last year.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Still Adjusting...

I blithely came back and the first day was chill. I felt just like when I was traveling and things are the way they are. I know - deep. I did have some awkward moment with my friends. Not that you all knew, it was all in my head. But now you know! I blogged that struggling blog and thanks alot Grumpator for your comment. It did me good.

I had forgot that living somewhere can have its lonely moments as well. That just seemed to be part of traveling alone since I was dependent on the whims of fate and my own mood for companions. I knew I changed but I'm not sure how much. My sense of humor is definitely been subdued (changed forever! Gasp. No but maybe) and I'm quieter. Crazy that. I got right back in the groove of being dragged down by the job situation.

All is doing better now. I weighed 120 when I got back and I'm back to 125. Of course, I have not been exercising so it is my fault. South Mountain beckons. I got to admit that are mountains do not look like mountains to me anymore. The plan today is hike in the morning maybe and sign up for a fitness thing at the Y. Take a shower, go to every restaurant in the area, and then meet up with friends for dinner and a show. I'm not so worried about the whole job thing right now. If I end up paying massive fees to American Express, so be it. There is a new Hilton opening up at the 101 and 202 so I plan on going to the job fair next Monday.

I still have not practiced my bass at all so everything is normal in that section. I love Pandora! I listen to it all the time. I'm realizing that this blog is losing all semblance of structure but that all these English words are coming back into my vocabulary. I believe it is because my brain is not focusing on Spanish. I need to use more Spanish. I checked out some library books in spanish and I should watch the spanish channel. Just do not watch TV. Also checked out cookbooks on vegetarianism. Yep, I have decided to do the vegetarian thing. I will probably be an occasional meat eater but there that is.

I also forgot about the restless worker inside me. I'm getting things done. I replaced my front tires because that had to be done, got new pants because nothing fits anymore, and compiled all my information for an application into a document. Reminds me, I was so excited to come back and have more options in clothes. I do but not that much. I already knew that pants would not fit but apparently I lost weight in my torso so very few shirts fit as well. Yeah! I love losing weight when I have no money to buy new clothes.

So obviously, I'm dong better. Thanks also to all my friends. A lot of times I would be feeling down or grumpy or weird, then I would receive an email, comment, or phone call from someone. It would make the day a bit better and put my sillness into perspective.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I was really excited to come back. I wanted to clean dishes, see friends, and get a job. I'm enjoying see friends but it still feels a bit weird with most. Other than that, I'm struggling. I'm feeling mundane and some grief from the failed relationship is coming back. It is like I was hiding from it and all of normal life a bit. I'm feeling more lonely because my expectations were higher though I'm having more serious connections.

The job front always gets me down. It feels so long term and draining. Maybe this is culture shock. I do not know what it is but I'm struggling. Part of me wants to go traveling but other parts are not ready. I'm sure this will get better.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Killing Time

I want to go home. Really that is what is comes down to and I have to wait. I felt bad because I felt like I was just killing time, but I'm having fun killing time. I got a really bad romance novel yesterday adn I went into the world of books. It started out all right but the end was crap.

I went to Machupicchu and it was cool. It is big and impressive. There is only one problem. Still do not care about ruins. The Incas did have a system where water went down a hill and they had made a system where it fountained down two feet. I was impressed. I went to Waynu (bad spelling) picchu which is the mountain you see in the background in all the photos. I climbed to the top and the view was spectacular.

I had met a Colombian dude on the night train and he was rather annoying. He was cute but he kept telling me he was 16, but he could never keep his story straight. He did help me apply sunblock on my head since it was burning. I lost my blue hat. Sadness. We had walked up to Machupicchu and up the other hill. He thoguht I was ahead of him when in fact I was behind. He sped off and I did not care. I decided to go to see the Gran Cavern. It is not that Gran. I did not have a lot of water but it only took me 30ish minutes to get down. There a nice man gave me directions to do a loop that was faster. Isn't funny when someone does you a favor but really it means you get to climb the mountain again?

No. The answer is no it is not funny. I climbed the mountain again. With no water this time. It was so miserable and hot. I tried crying but had no water to cry. I have been trained to deal with this because my mother was horrible with trails when younger. I have been on several 3-4 hour hikes that were in fact 7 or more. I got up and trugde down. I paid the ridicolous price of 7 dollars (22 soles) for a bus down and 10 soles for water. Water is usually 1 or 1.5 soles. I took a shower and started to feel better.

I would recommended Machupicchu but it is expensive and I have been impressed by other things more. It all depends on what you like. I enjoyed the Galapagos more. I love the sea and animals. Ruins are old places for me. Cool, people could build big and impressive things in the past. I know this.

I took the train back at 5:30 in the morning. I have been just chilling in Cusco since. Eating food and calling my family with this free phone at the South American Explorer club. I have not chatted with too many people but that is okay. I chatted with a girl at the club adn I hope there are people at the hostel. Otherwise, it is 3 days by myself which is not too terribly. I went to two museums yesterday and will go to one today. I plan on exchanging my book for another at the club, eating out, and then catching the plane to Lima.

Lima should be fun and I have a little bit of money. I borrowed 100 dollars from my mom which I do not think I will need but just in case. I'm going to buy a Spanish book and visit downtown Lima. Then get up so early on the 15th (3am) and probably paid a crazy amount for a taxi. I assume 40 or 50 soles. Usually my budget is 90 soles a day. But I will be paying for a registered taxi early in the morning, two price raising factors. My plane leaves at 5:50am. I will get home at 8:50pm mostly because I have to wait four hours in Fort Lauderadale which I can't spell. I plan on doing research and seeing what I can do in an hour in the Fort place.

Ciao Ciao

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

So excited!

I'm off to see Macchu Picchu tomorrow. It should be grand. I'm really excited because I will be able to take pictures of it. I dropped my camera the first night in the Andes and it broke. So disappointing. I did not realize how much I love taking pictures until that happen.

I got to Cusco by plane (which means I will really be broke when I get back) and a guy repaired it for 100 sols or 33 dollars. Apparently it was full of sand and he recommended that I not drop it on almost every beach I visited. Ha, like I will stop being clutzy.

I need to go buy my ticket to see Macchu Picchu, get my laundry, pack my bag, grab a bus to a town, and then take a train to Aguas Caliente. Busy Busy.

Will be back in the States on Monday. Keep on counting the days.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tired so tired

The day after that last blog I went searching for a guide at an agency. This got me back to Clara so I ran with it. She was pretty much what I expected, annoying and late. She did get me to the sites. Huarchos de Luna was cool and is known for its colors. I really liked Chan Chan because it was huge. I also got a free lecture about how girls should get an education before boys! Or they end up pregnant. From Clara of course, blah, no mention of educating the girls about sex education.

I enjoy ruins a bit but they are not that cool for me. I did feel like I was in the Mummy because it was a sandy desert and ruins.

That night I left for Huaraz on a night bus. Watched part of a oriental film about guy kicking butt. Alas, there was no sound so they switched it out for a movie about Lyrics with Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore. Horrible but I watched the whole thing. Then tried to sleep. Got 4 hours! Best yet. Met an English bloke named David.

That day passed in a sleep haze but ate at some good restaurants and booked a tour to trek the Santa Cruz trail in the Andes. Went to bed earlish at 10pm and got up at 5am for the tour. David and I got to the place. The guide and everyone got in a taxi for the collectivos to go to Santa Cruz. Which could not happen. People were protesting on the road to Santa Cruz until 12pm. Going to do the tour tomorrow.

Instead David and I had free breakfast at our hostel and got a collectivo to take us to a different part. We tried to see the Laguna Churpu but the altitude affected me. I got a headache but the worst part was when my left hand started to go numb. We saw what we thought was the Laguna, tiny but a bit of water and started to head down. I was not going up anymore because the numb hand was a clear warning. We did not see it. The laguna is big, blue, and beautiful. I still have a headache but hope it goes away by tomorrow for the trek. I will be away from computers until Sunday.

Kimkipling Out