Apparently my life is also in a Felicia Day phase. I watched the first season of the Guild on Netflix. I should watch it on the web so they are short fun gulps instead of shoving it all in at once. I also started playing a tower defense game called Kingdom Rush on Armor Games because of her. It is mighty fun.
Felicia Day is a cool woman and she posted a link. Simple Daily Habits to Ignite Your Passions
I should not but I get mildly jealous of creative driven people like Felicia Day. She played the violin really well, acts and writes in a niche market, and goes to conventions as a Guest. My brain then smacks me with reality. I never wanted to move to LA to make my fortune. I enjoy my bass but I have never wanted to practice it enough to become really good. I might enjoy being a guest but I like not being that constrained.
I just want to be a bit more creative without doing any of the work. I actually got somewhat jealous of a fictional character in a fantasy book because she was a talented musician. The book is War for the Oaks by Emma Bull.
All right I am in a whiny mood.
To the point!
I like the suggestions in the link so I will be doing them. One of the suggestions is to blog... so I came back. I loved my phase were my muse were words that started with C. Now the theme of the blogs will start with a P. Look forward to blogs about Portland, the Present, Pets, Projects,... and private bits. No! No private bits but I got stuck. Duh! Passion!!
Any requests or suggestions for other P words?