Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Wrap up of the year of the Earth Rat

I have been checking the internet a lot about chinese astrology. There is a part of me that just likes astrology and really really wants it to be true. The rest and biggest part of me knows that there is nothing substantial there. Just so everyone knows, the year of the Earth Ox will be starting January 26th. I seem to remember that the recommended course is to be patient and steady like an Ox!

I got to say that the year of the Earth Rat was very interesting. I'm especially liking the end of it. I'm getting comfortable at home. Unpacking a lot of my stuff except for the kitchen gear. I have lots of time to unpack and practice my bass for the next week and a bit. I got a job! I have decided to stick with it for a while so I'm not worrying about getting a second job. What is it?

The Hilton is opening a new hotel at teh 101 and 202. I went to the job fair where I waited two hours to get interviewed. It turned out to be worth it because I got the job. I am a server/hostess/banquet server. It is in the AM so I have to be at work by 6am or 6:30am. Not looking forward to that but I will be done with my day by noon.

This will give me plenty of time to do other things. I have decided that most of those things will be creative ventures. I have been practicing my bass daily Cough for two days, but hope that to continue. I wrote half of a short story while waiting in a public health clinic. I'm actually achieving my dream of writing. I never considered it a dream but it has been floating around in the back of my head for a long time. I always thought I was never good enough and I knew I could not take criticism well. I then realized "Fuck it". I will write these stories for myself and I have toughened up. (I hope) So... I'm trying to sign up for a Creative Writing course. The problem being that my Eng 105 ( a honor course at ASU) which counted for Eng 101/102 at ASU only counts at Eng 101 at MCC. I would have to take Eng 102 if the teacher does not approve. I believe I have enough writing experience from my whole five years to count. I really hope so because I do not know if I would take Eng 102 again.

It is unbelievable that I have been back a month. I'm adjusting back. I have not seen some of you which is sad. I hope that is corrected in the future. I plan on sharing the stories that I did not have time to write while traveling, later, here in this blog. I will also be posting my stories so look forward to that. This year will be a re-grouping year. Last year was a healing OMG this will never end - transformation year. This year I want to clean some stuff out - literally and figuratively. I practice my bass and wash the dishes everyday. I'm starting to work out regularly. I need to go through my email accounts and delete like mad. I have unpacked most of my boxes so I'm starting to feel more settled. I want to live elsewhere. I enjoy living with my parents but Chandler is just a bit out of the loop. I'm looking forward to new skills: the writing, cooking (I have mostly gone vegetarian), and becoming a GM. I also desire to write here much more.

Final thought
I'm addicted to Facebook games at this time.


Anali said...

DnD Tiny Adventures FTW!

kimkipling said...

That is the one that I'm most addicted to.

I'm not on abbreiations. FTW? I will have to look it up.

Carla said...

You could try a writing group via Meetup! Congrats again on the job. Kudos to the semi veg lifestyle. And I love reading your self revelations. :)

That's all.