Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wordpress vs Blogger

I use both Wordpress and Blogger now. I use Blogger.com for my personal blogs and Word press for the Chandler Symphony blog. I feel like I have not played with either as much as I should. Wordpress has impressed me more so far. It seems a bit more user friendly and there is more content for me to learn and play with. I will do that but not this week.

This thought process started for one reason. I said I would blog everyday but forgot till late. I'm tired and wanted a quick subject. I came to blogger trying to convince myself that I could write something quick and not revising it would not be too bad (I know it really is so I will look over the last few blogs because I have been lazy for a bit). I saw the Stat button on blogger so I clicked on it. I do not remember blogger always having that function. I added my own traffic tracker and lost it when I changed my design. Wordpress displays the stats in nifty charts which I like better than blogger's though I am unsure why. I will do more research tomorrow. On the other hand, blogger let me not track my own page views which will significantly decrease traffic.

I have a question about my traffic. Why would someone from the Netherlands be curious about my 100th post or my stupid roommate? A few people from other countries have looked at my blog site. I am guessing a wrong click most of the time. Funny enough, people have looked at my Galapagos post in the past month. This whole stats tab is quite fun. I need to go back and revise older blogs.


Sydni said...

The problem I have with tracking stats is that most people read blogs in a reader, so they aren't going to show up in your stats unless they click through to comment.

kimkipling said...

That is true Syd but I will take what I can get.