I’m diligently working at finding a job by posting a blog. No it is my fun time. I sent out an email to work at a deli part time that is located downtown near the capitol. The hours would be from 10am to 2pm, Monday through Friday. This would be an awesome job to have to pay the bills. I know I have done the crappy job route in the past and it did not work. I think it did not work because it was full time. A full time crappy job means I do not have as much time to look for a better job and hang out with my friends. I have to pick and also I get tired. Since I’m so tired, I cannot make myself motivated to look for a better job. I would need nine dollars an hour to pay my bills if I only worked 20 hours a week. I just want a job that will pay me some money so I will not use up so much of my savings.
I got an account with USAjobs and they sent me a job link that actually looks interesting. It is called a Multi-Family Housing Technican. It would be working with the Housing Director and helping people in rural areas get loans and grants. I went to look and I actually qualify. I have to get my official transcripts and do some steps before January 29th. I had forgotten my password though. I went to reset it and here comes the painful part. The security question that I had chosen was “Where did you meet your spouse?” Ye gods, the pain. It hurt because it was a reminder of the break up but it also showed how confident I was last February. When we said we were married to each other and would get the legal documents later, I so believed it. I almost started crying in the library. I changed my security question. I’m really hoping these reminders stop occurring.
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