Saturday, October 11, 2008

Dreamkapture Hostal

Is my haven. I'm rather tired and a bit dirty. I still need to finish the Guayaquil story and update everyone on the coast trip. I met a cool chick named Nikki but in her reference of me she put that I had good intentions which to me means she thought I was okay and meant well, but was a bit off or something. I'm not too worried about it but she did seem to bring the stories out of me.

I will do that. Maybe tomorrow. Right now is update what I am doing right this moment time. I had a nine hour bus ride from Atacames to Guayaquil. Long buses rides are hard because I never feel like reading, puzzle solving, writing, or anything. I did sleep a bit so that was nice. I got to Guayaquil as the sun was setting. I was unsure where this hostal was and got a taxi. Three dollars and fifty cents which is a lot but I did negotiate 50 cents down from four so go me. He was a nice taxi driver and drove around until we found the place. It did not take that long but he asked like two people.

I got to this green door and rang the bell. This gentleman opens up and they have room. It looks nice and I sign the logbook. I finally ask the price. 10 dollars. Higher than I have paid but lower than I expect. It is beautiful and restful. Funny enough I recognize the voice of someone I went to school with. Off to chat. And take a shower. Oh, I might see the guide guy tomorrow or maybe not.

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