Saturday, March 14, 2009

Four Man Plan

I do not know if everyone knows that I'm kinda dating this new guy. He could be just a friend because we are seeing where it will lead, and so far that has equaled no touching. He is recently (like really recently) divorced and we are both awkward when it comes to this whole dating thing. He has taught me that I'm ready for dating. I do not think we will end up dating but he is very sweet.

This has lead me to actual message guys on OkCupid where they have not contacted me back but I have only started recently so I will have patience. I also was telling my stories to people. A very cool chick mention the "Four Man Plan". I looked it up on youtube and it was pretty dang hilarious. I'm now going to try it out. I feel a bit weird doing dating with rules, but they are fun ideas. The rules are basically go out with guys who ask you and give them at least two dates. There is also definitions for how much each man is worth like 1/4,1/2, 1 and so on. In the four man grid, one man is equal to four parts. The quarters are men that you just get their phone numbers and it is early. Half is someone that gets past date 2. I made my own little grid and will try this out. I put the grid on my fridge.

I will keep everyone posted. If you know anyone that you want to hook me up with, just tell me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL I looked up the Four Man Plan on youtube and it is freaking hilarious and genius! I love it! Go Shilo!