Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cleaning House

I am cleaning up. I do not just mean literally cleaning up like doing dishes, shifting the kitty litter, or picking up my room. That has happened (in part to find my cell phone) but I mean more!

I was the vendor room manager for Sabo Con (an anime convention). I did not work on it very much but it was always in the back of my mind. Send emails out. Figure out when you came meet up with the Operations Director. I also felt like I had no clue what was going. I hate going back on something I said I would do but I evaluated what it brought to my life. I am not into anime and I was not excited about asking time off from work. I decided. I sent an resignation email . The operations director sent a message back like two minutes later accepting while being professional. I had sent a message a week and half earlier asking when we could meet. I never got a response. I freed up my time and mental energy!

I started prioritizing. I asked for letter of recommendations from folks so I can be a substitute. I'm working out. I'm posting my blogs by my internal deadlines. I'm dating guys. Practice does make better. I do not get as nervous flirting with new guys, and I'm getting better at recognizing when to walk away and not feel guilty about it.

I still plan on vacuuming and sweeping the floors. Soon, I will have to focus on career. I have been playing with the idea of researching teaching English other places and seeing if I could pay my medical debts and be traveling at the same time. I wanted to teach English and save money for traveling but maybe that will be year two of teaching. Traveling calls.

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