Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Rearranging Time

I'm struggling to write this blog. I wrote "I'm feeling restless and trapped." My brain then said that is a weak sentence and it is all about you. How is that going to draw others in?

Grr, I have not written anything in a week or so, maybe that is part of the struggle.

There are parts to the struggle. I drove to Prescott with my dog, Lu Dog. We hiked for like four hours. I did not do my research well enough so there were a few moments of being lost and back tracking both in the car and on foot. My mother tried to assist with finding the road for me. I snapped on her on the phone and apologized. I ended up getting help from Syd. The hike was freeing. Pine trees covered the hill at the beginning of the hike while I studied the granite cliff up high. People rock climb that. I want to do that. The trail wound up the high hill (almost like a mountain but it does not really compare to the Rockies or the Andes)and then the trail descended. Lu Dog and I followed it as the terrain turned into granite outcroppings and cacti. I forgot one of my water bottles at the trail head so we rationed more than I wanted to. By the end, I was exhausted and completely happy.

I want to go back out again. I do not know where but the traveling bug is itching at me. I can't go anywhere for too long since I have to plan it better, but the camping trip in two weeks should help.

I'm still restless. I have lived in my apartment for a year and half, and I can decorate much more. My roommate Jessica and I will hang up art and maybe rearrange the furniture. If you believe in Feng Shui that will equate to a change in my life or me reflecting the changes in my home.

One of the changes revolves around boys like most of my stories. I feel like I'm boring people with those stories. I'm also getting worn down. I have been constantly going on dates since my surgery three months ago. I'm going to take a break and study for the elections. Look for my thoughts on who and what I am going to vote for.

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