My mom drove me to the Piper Surgery Center a few days ago. The first nurse or technician did not warn me or my mother that pre-op was starting. I gave a urine sample, suddenly was told to take off my clothes, and then I was lying in a hospital bed all by myself. When I asked the woman the plan earlier, she said it would just be a moment and I would not need my books. I wish I had put up more resistance. I wish I had said "You will tell me what is going on and I will get my books which will more effectively distract me than TV (I did not watch TV)". The woman also got me to lay there by saying that my mother would be allowed in a moment.
I laid there. The tears started to leak out. I watched nurses walk by through the small opening in the curtain. My mother did not come and it had been like two minutes or forever in hospital terms. I spoke up. I got a nurse's attention and she told me my mother would not be let back until certain activities happened. I was displeased. The nurse walked away and I started to cry again. My nurse walked in a moment later. Renee always seemed to know. The moment I would cry she would check on me so I would then stifle it in. She asked questions and put the IV in. My mother showed up early. That lovely woman had just stood in front of the counter until they gave in. Stubbornness runs in the family.
The anesthesiologist was nice. My mother left at some point. I think it was when the anesthesiologist was putting the blue hair net on my head. Both the nurse and the anesthesiologist told me that my eyes matched the hair net and the gowns. Yes, I was still pretty while in a hospital bed. They turned the bed toward the door.
I then woke up from a dream to Linda smiling over me. I felt great. Linda assured me, "The surgery went great". It was that easy. My uterus was intact as well as my ovaries. Woot! Linda was sweet and chatted with me. I asked if I could walk. I also asked if I could have ice cream - several times. She told me that I could walk to my room but I decided to ride in the bed because when will I be able to do that again? I was so drugged up. The ride was so short in my memory but later I found out the recovery room was on a different floor.
I have spent my time recovering. My mother spent copious of time with me in the hospital which made me feel great. My aunt Shirley gave me pretty sunflowers and Carla also visited. Roy stayed with me till nine at night. That night was hard. I could not sleep so I read from like 1am to 5am. I got progressively grumpier. My eyes turned into dark pits. I came home and became happy. I slept, petted my cats, checked facebook, petted my cats, slept, and played video games.
I will make some quick points. Pre-op sucked (otherwise known as the night before, Dun Dun Dunh). I drank a laxative. I also gave myself an enema and douche. Blahh. That sucked. It sucked going to CVS and buying supplies. I have now experienced these activities and hope never to do it again. I also know I do not have AIDS or Hep C. I did two other things before the operation. I had acupuncture. He recommended I do some polarity. I did it with a new person and I still have trouble describing it. Some of you would call it hippy medicine. During it, I was unsure but it helped my surgery immensely. If you have surgery, do it. I have a guy.
I also know my blood type. It is O negative just like my father and brother. This knowledge is part of the debt I went into to get this fibroid out. I owe so much money! A shallow point, my stomach is flatter so I paid thousands to be skinner. That is fine. My mom is my financial support. I'm feeling better than I have a long time.
Best post of the day! My heart swells knowing that all went pretty darn well and that you're feeling better already. :)
Awww, thanks Give or Take a Little. I am still really tired. I hope that I can go back to work in a week or this roommate thing works out.
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