Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Hola gente!
I safely arrived in Ecuador on Sunday. I was picked up at the airport by an employee of the school and driven to my homestay. I went to sleep and slept for three hours because I did not really sleep during my travels. I tried on my overnight international flight but I was put in the very back by the lavortory. Everyone and their dog brushed me or my pillow whenever they walked by. The food was interesting on the flight. I got bread thing with tomato sauce in the middle.

I like my home stay family but it is expensive. I might find an apartment becuase it is much cheaper but I'm also thinking of visiting the jungle program that Simon Bolivar provides.

I did not meet many people the second day (Monday) but I'm slightly sick and was still tired. I decided I need to meet people because I need a travel companion and also I do not want to be lonely. I ate lunch with a guy named Reto who is from Switerland and a couple who are from Portland. They sold their cars and rented their house so they could buy a boat. They then sailed down the west coast and plan on the trip taking two years. I may have a new goal.

Have to go because I have a salsa class.
I miss and love you all.


Sci-Fi Bri said...

don't forget your chips...

kimkipling said...

It took me a second to figure out what the hell you were talking about. But I get it, salsa and chips.

Anali said...

So happy to have you back online and blogging! Blog often!