Friday, June 4, 2010

Time of C

Grumpator has a theme every month and I am copying her this month. My blog's themes will center around words that start with c and the blogs will also contain c words whenever possible. If I cannot cram all the blogs into this month, I will continue until the theme is complete.

For example, my last blog was about my computer. It is overheating (internal temperature was at 70 degrees Celsius) which is why this update is late. My brother and I will be working on fixing it by buying new fans and a new CPU heat sink and fan combo. Once my computer is back to working order, updates will be timely and computer gaming will commence.

A not so quick mention, my crappy job is not paying me enough money to pay my bills. I believe I will be alright until my surgery on June 29th. I'm looking harder for a second job but not that hard. You may ask, "Why is your job so crappy?" Well, the other day, I got pulled into a meeting with two of my bosses because a customer wrote a negative comment. I asked to read it but was not allowed to. My boss read the comment and specifically used my name. They reamed me out and said if I do anything wrong in the future I was fired. I cried and was depressed that my surgery at the end of the month was not going to happen.

I went home and found the survey online, no where was my name mentioned. It did not seem like it was me in the survey. I had talked to the woman about Loveland for like five minutes. I talked to another girl, Dani at the Starbucks the next day and she said she remembered the woman. The woman had not liked another girl's service and Dani had been present. She even warned the FnB manager that a bad comment was on its way. They apparently did not remember. A email was sent out and confirmation came back that it was not me.

I was almost fired for the actions of another and my management tried to do that before they even got all the facts. I was naive before, but now I know they really do not want me there. I talked to both the manager and director. Neither apologized or said anything to the fact that they should not have done what they did. Oh well.

I posted this blog yesterday but forgot the Wil Wheaton maxim of "Don't be a dick." I wrote adjectives I should not have but my brother reminded me of the nature of the internet so I pulled the blog quickly. I doubt my blogs will ever be as well read as Wil Wheaton or John Scalzi , but I am glad that I was relearned this lesson now. By and by, I read Wil's blog now and plan to start on Scalzi's soon. They use their names and I should as well. My objectives have changed and I want this blog to be more public. Also, if I use my name, I will be more cognizant of the fact that my life outside of the internet is attached to this blog.

P.S. - I'm so excited that I linked Wheaton's and Scalzi's blogs. I read some of Scalzi and I can feel a fan love starting to grow. His Android's Dream has so many creative ideas and was a fun read.

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