I need it. I was going to learn how to upload photos and all that jazz in the states but I did not. I'm having trouble and I will admit I'm getting frustrated. I need to get these photos off my camera so I can show you all and in case I break, lose, or the camera gets stolen.
I tried to load pictures from a CD but I think the CD is too scratched. CDs are expenisive here. I did figure out how to download Picasa2 and change the language to English, but have yet to have pictures to import.
Part of the problem is that I have like 600 phots on my camera. How to I load only part without the computer ditching the ones I loaded earlier? Which progams does everyone like? I need something free and will save my photos to a server since I do not have a computer.
I hate it but I am not completely stupid in the tech worlk but greatly behind. I know I could learn it but I never make time. Also, if everyone wants an index or map, again you will have to tell me how to do it. I only have so much time and I start getting angry when I'm in Ecuador in an internet cafe for hours. Heck, I get angry playing with it at home. It makes me feel stupid or slow so I walk away and get by. I'm getting upset just admitting that I do not have the skills I want to have. Part of me feels this will be an area I always lack.
Anyway, I have been gone for a while. I have already been in an hot internet cafe for an hour so this will be the short version and then I might provide details later.
Last Friday I went back to Quito. I bought supplies like a hat and sandals. Saturday, I meet this girl Nikki Flechter and I will be traveling the coast with her from Sept 30 to approximately October 9th. She is nice but I can see her driving me a bit crazy. Sunday, I hiked to the top of Pichinicha. I felt like a mountaineer. I did not start from the bottom but took the Teleférico up to 4,050 meters. It took seven hours and it was very tiring. That night I took a bus with my school at 8pm to Coca which arrived at like 10am. A crapy and tiring bus ride.
Monday, took a motor boat doen the Napo for about 45 minutes to the Yarina lodge and visited the jungle for 5 days. It was amazing and if it was not so expensive I would love to stay longer. In the future, I will travel down the Amazon and visit the jungle again. There is peace in the jungle.
Friday afternoon, arrived back in Coca. Was going to stay the night there but the buses leqaving from Coca to Tena only started to leave at 3pm. I tried to take the 3pm but two students in front of me took the last two spots. I took the 4:30 pm bus and arrived at 9:30pm. I dislike arriving places at night but it was fine. I'm actually getting scared because I feel myself getting complacent. I'm still paying attention but I'm starting to feel like nothing will happen to me. Got to fight that.
I'm staying at the Limoncocha and they are doing my laundry right now. It is a good price but when I get back to the States everything will seem so expensive. I miss games so much! I was looking at movies with Nikki and saw Playstation games. I actually hugged the row. I still read. I have read three books which is low for me but still higher than I expected. I miss playing my bass as well. And cooking for myself. I'm enjoying this traveling and plan on doing more in the future but I also enjoy my home. I do not think I was made to be a world traveler who has no home and roams for years. I'm not even sure I will do another really long trip. But I will definitely travel more in the future. I realized I have not had many vacations lately. I went camping in June(?) for a few days but before that I went to Las Vegas in January 07. Vacations are important and I got to be more aware of how to combat burn out at work.
Got to go eat and will try to upload photos again soon.
I'm not great at this either, so take what I say with a grain of salt. Usually, though, when you upload pictures, programs know to only upload the new pictures and not delete everything else. That's the only small piece of advice I can give. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable than me will be able to guide you further. Hope you're having lots of fun, though, we miss you here!
“... I have like 600 photos on my camera . How to I load only part without the computer ditching the ones I loaded earlier? “
The computer shouldn't delete anything off either your camera or your computer unless you tell it to. In picasa , when you click the Import button, picasa will start pre-loading photos off the camera. At the bottom of that screen is an option about what to do with your photos that are on the camera. I recommend 'do northing' unless you're running out of space on the camera.
“ I need something free and will save my photos to a server since I do not have a computer. “
Since you have a google account, all you have to do is activate your picasaweb interface. If you make it a public web site, it will be http://picasaweb.google.com/kimkipling .
When you're looking at picasa on your local computer, select the files that you want to upload and right click. Next, select Upload to web album. (Picasa may slow down or freeze during this step, dont end the process. Its trying to connect to google at this point and hasn't crashed.) There's an input screen there, but i'm sure you know how to use it.
If the above fails or sounds too long, after downloading the files from your camera, just select the files on your local machine, click 'add to compressed folder' (which is an option in windows XP by defalut), and email it to yourself. That way, at least, you wont loose anything.
Imo, CDs suck. They get scratched or you loose them... and they're bulky...
I am no help with the photos but it seems like Brian can help you there. As far as adding a map or list or something to the blog, that I can do. At the top of your blog you click on "customize" then you will see some boxes on the right that say "Add a gadget." Click on one of those. There are many different choices of things to add. It shows you the basic types of "gadget" but on the left you can select other options too. You can choose "picture" and just put a picture of a map. You can also do a search on the gadgets page. I looked for "google map" and scrolled through a bunch of junk and found a gadget that is just called "map" by Google Engineering that seems to be a good choice. There are actually two entries for it. On my search the second one actually worked. I will try adding a map to my blog to see how it looks. Hope that helps! Don't worry if you can't do the tech stuff though. You don't want to waste a bunch of time on that when you could be doing cooler things. Love you and miss you!
Alright. I tried using that gadget and it was no good. So, instead I added a new gadget and chose the basic one called html/javascript. Then I went to google maps and got a map of tempe. At the top of the map is a link that says "link." It gives you the html code for the map. I just copied and pasted the code into my gadget box I just created. Simple and easy and you can add different points of interest etc. before getting the code so that they all show up on your blog.
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