Sunday, November 30, 2008

Day of Rest

I know this is a lot of blogging at one time but today was a day of rest. I did not know it at the beginning and I struggled with it, but there it is. Sundays are a day where museums and attractions are closed or close early.

I slept in till 9:30 because I got up at 6ish in the morning prior and did not get to bed until midnight. I also started my period. I had ridden a bus for three hours to Chiclayo and stubbornly refused a taxi. I walked and almost got lost, but my gut instincts prompted me to turn left instead of right. Cool because that would have been tiring with all my gear with me. I walked around Chiclayo. Got a mint ice cream cone and ate at Tia's restuarant. Good, good food but slow service. Talking about food. I weighed myself and I have gained 5 pounds. Not so bad since I use to eat ice cream or a dulce everyday. The one day I did not buy myself anything, Antonio surprised me with two chocolate bars. I denouced him for trying to fatten me up like the witch in Hansel and Gretel. He was totally confused so I thanked him and gave him a kiss.

Back to Chiclayo, I walk to the bus stop and the next bus does not leave until 5:30. In Peru, there is not bus terminals, each bus has its own location so I walked to Linea. It's bus left at 5pm. It was 4:05 so I was pretty sure I had missed the bus by 5 minutes. I chilled in the bus station until 15 minutes before. I was very self congratulatory because I seemed to have got traveling done a bit easier. Using the bathroom early, having toliet paper that I already bought at a store. Go to the bathroom and my lunar cycle has started. Shit! I packed all my pads in the big backpack and that was already turned into the equipment guys. Alright, just use toliet paper. Wait, duh, buy pads. Found a store and waited forever but got my pads. Also got a plastic bag so I could put my already opened crackers into it so the crumbs do not go everywhere. Already dealt with that situation and I was very very slow about cleaning out that section of my small backpack. I was lazy and just stopped using it. The whole pad situation lead me to getting in the line for the bus late and the guy sharing the same row as me had already taken my window seat. I want my window seat! It always get stolen from me and I never speak up. Not again! He also did that annoying guy thing where he needs to spread his legs into my area. I have tried pushing back with my legs or keeping my legs where they are. Guys never care. I did speak up and he moved his legs for all of 5 minutes. Seriously guys, do not do this. I don't want to touch you and you have no right to my space.

Anyway, I was expecting the ride to take 3 hours maybe 4. It took 5 hours. I did not get in until 10pm. I then stupidly took a white taxi with no number. I'm not sure why but I was tired and grumpy so I apparently go stupid. It worked out and he was nice man. I just kept thinking "Do not kill me". I got to Casa de Clara at 10:30pm. Told the lady of the house was not in so just wait 10 minutes. 15 minutes later I go searching for a bathroom. Clara's brother comes in and talks Spanish to me very cool. Hard to talk about politics in Spanish at that hour after traveling so much, but I passed the test! I also met an Austrian guy who told me he took Linea (same bus company) from Chiclayo and it took 2 to 3 hours. Blah! An hour later, Clara comes home and I get to get a bed. Took another hour to relax to sleep.

That brings me to today. I felt like I should do more. I'm traveling. Other people see more! Oh well, I'm a bit slower and bit more relaxed. I ended up going shopping for yarn with Clara the crazy lady. She is not crazy but she is like an annoying grandma always talking and giving advice in the middle of any conversation. She would walk incredibily fast and cut off anyone. I mean I saw her cutoff a highly pregnant woman. Wow. She would then stop randomly. I went with her because she said she knew where it was. Nope. I did get some yarn but probably not enough for what I plan but no biggie.

I just talked to this girl and she highly recommended Chan Chans. I had just looked at pictures and I have to agree. I'm a bit sad because they did Huachas yesterday and Chan Chan and the beach today. I wandered abound town. Oh well, yoga lessons. No comparisions. I'm where I'm at. I think I will spend one more day in Trujillo and then onward. I plan to end my trip in Cusco with Machu Picchu. Then fly from Cusco to Lima on the 14th. Find a hostal and explore Lima for a few hours. Sleep for a few hours and get up at 3am. Get a taxi to the airport and fly back to the states arriving at 9pm in Phoenix. Woot! Shower and sleep. Glorious sleep.

Tomorrow I will go to Chan Chan with the tour here at the hostal or book one separately. I might also see the Huarchas. If I miss the beach, no biggie.

Ending with a cute story about Antonio and I. The family played the music of Amelie quite often which I love. The first time, I grabbed Antonio and we danced through the house. He does not normally dance (except techno) but he liked me and being close to me. His mom loved us dancing! She would play the music more often just to get us to dance. Well Antonio seemed to really enjoy dancing with me. He said he did not like to dance to salsa and other music but he started to ask me to dance all the time. We danced to Hey Jude and some metal song that I did not like on different days. My favorite was when he looked into my eyes and shyly asked if we could dance to a Zelda song. No problem! Later that night, he turned on the Gamecube and we danced in his room to the opening song of Zelda: Windwaker.


Carla said...

Aw sweet! I love a boy that ignores his own dislikes to dance with me.

Anali said...

1) You should invest in a menstrual cup - they are the best! Especially for traveling: they take up little space and you never have to worry about supplies.

2) That is a SWEET story - it's too bad Antonio doesn't live in Phoenix!